Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Down on the Farm!

It's down on the farm at BSLK! Our unit of study last week was farm animals and how farms help feed us and our families.  On Friday we had school wide farm day. It was a blast. We were able to see and hold baby chicks, goats, pigs and lambs. We also got to see roosters and hens and the eggs they lay. Mrs. Cavannah our ESL teacher also brought her horse, Flash. We got to learn about him and touch his tail. Also, she showed us how she rides him in her horse shows. Here are a few pics of our day!
 Farmer Michael and Tori are working in the milk relay. We had to work together to get our milk (water) from the cow to the table.
 Here are Emily and Jaxon milking our "cow"
 How sweet!

 Just loved that baby pig!
 My cuties driving the tractor!
 We even got to plant flowers with Mrs. Baugh and Mrs. Landers.
 Mrs. Cavannah telling us all about Flash.
 Farm life gets a little stinky sometimes!
Miss Wishywashy was even at farm day!

We had so much fun and learned so much! This week we are learning about zoo animals and getting ready for our spring field trip to the Birmingham zoo! We are so excited! Hope you all have a great week!

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